

一、引言 在英语学习的道路上,词汇是基石。了解并掌握1月至12月之间的英语单词,对于提高语言运用能力至关重要。本文将带领读者进行一次从一月到十月的英语单词探险之旅,探索这些月份相关的单词,以及它们在不同语境中的应用。 二、一月英语单词:基础与开始 - 一月(January) - 名词:january, January, month, year, day - 动词:begin, begin, start, end, mark - 形容词:new, first, initial, beginning - 介词:on, in, at, from, to - 副词:solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly, solemnly 例子: - January: “The first week of January is a good time to get started on new projects.”(一月的第一周是开始新项目的好时机。)
三、二月英语单词:成长与发展 - 二月(February) - 名词:february, February, year, month, day - 动词:end, end, close, finish, start, end, end - 形容词:second - 介词:at - 副词:regularly, regularly, regularly, regularly, regularly - 连词:and, and, and, not only, but also - 冠词:a - 代词:it, its, they - 介词短语:“on the second day of the week”或“the second Sunday of the month” 例子: - February: “She was born on February 9th, which is my lucky number.”(她出生在2月9日,那是我的幸运数字。)
四、三月英语单词:变化与过渡 - 三月(March) - 名词:march, March, year, month, day - 动词:begin, start - 形容词:third, third - 介词:into, into - 副词:quickly, slowly, quickly, slowly - 连词:but, yet - 冠词:a - 代词:himself (反身代词), herself (反身代词) - 介词短语:“with three weeks until spring”或“three months after the holiday” 例子: - March: “The weather in March is changing from cold to warm.”(三月的天气正在从寒冷转为温暖。)
五、四月英语单词:春季的象征 - 四月(April) - 名词:april, April, month, year, day - 动词:have, have, hold, keep, take - 形容词:fourth, fourth - 副词:quickly, slowly - 介词:on, at - 连词:because, so - 冠词:a - 代词:us - 介词短语:“with four days left until the end of the month”或“four weeks before Easter” 例子: - April: “April showers may bring May flowers.”(四月的雨可能会带来五月的花朵。)
六、五月英语单词:热情与活力 - 五月(May) - 名词:may, May, year, month, day - 动词:celebrate, celebrate - 形容词:fifth - 介词:from/on/in/at/to/for/by/of/about - 副词:eagerly, eagerly - 连词:but, although - 冠词:a - 代词:its (所有格) - 介词短语:“with five days until summer break”或“five years ago today” 例子: - May: “May Day is a public holiday in many countries around the world.”(五一国际劳动节在世界许多国家都是公共假期。)
七、六月英语单词:结束与开始 - 六月(June) - 名词:june, June, year, month, day - 动词:end, end - 形容词:sixth - 介词:into, into - 副词:finally, finally, finally, finally - 连词:but, although - 冠词:a - 代词:itself (反身代词), himself (反身代词) - 介词短语:“with six weeks until vacation”或“six months after the end of the year” 例子: - June: “Juneteenth is an annual celebration in the United States.”(六月节是美国每年的庆典节日。) 八、七月英语单词:夏日的热情 - 七月(July) - 名词:july, July, year, month, day - 动词:have, have, hold, have - 形容词:seventh - 介词:at/on/in/from/to/with/without/by/on/off/through/over/under/around/up/down/outside/inside/behind/before/after/above/below /between/among/near/far/close/away - 副词:quickly, slowly, quickly, slowly - 连词:but, yet - 介词短语:“with seven weeks until Labor Day”或“seven months before Christmas” - 冠词:an - 代词:we - 介词短语:“with eighty-two days left until the end of the school year”或“eighty-one years ago today” 例子: - July: “Summer is the hottest month of the year in many parts of the world.”(在世界上许多地方,夏天是一年中最热的月份。)
九、八月英语单词:丰收与收获 - 八月(August) - 名词:august, August, year, month, day - 动词:finish, finish, complete, end - 形容词:ninth - 介词:from/on/in/at/to/for/by/of/about - 副词:quickly, slowly - 连词:but, although - 冠词:a - 代词:its (所有格), themselves (反身代词) - 介词短语:“with ninety days until fall”或“eighteen months later” 例子: - August: “The harvest season in August brings with it a sense of abundance.”(在八月的收获季节带来了一种丰盛的感觉。) 十、九月英语单词:秋意盎然 - 九月(September) - 名词:september, September, year, month, day - 动词:start, start, resume, end - 形容词:tenth, tenth - 介词:from/on/in/at/to/for/by/of/about - 副词:quickly, slowly - 连词:but, although - 冠词:a - 代词:itself (反身代词), itself (反身代词) - 介词短语:“with forty days until winter break”或“eleven months after the end of the year” 例子: - September: “The leaves are starting to turn yellow as autumn approaches.”(随着秋天的临近,树叶开始变黄了。) 十
一、十月英语单词:感恩与分享 - 十月(October) - 名词:october, October, year, month, day - 动词:give up, give up - 形容词:tenth, tenth - 介词:from/on/in/at/to/for/by/of/about - 副词:quickly, slowly - 连词:but, although - 冠词:a - 代词:itself (反身代词), itself (反身代词) - 介词短语:“with fifty-five days until Halloween”或“twelve months after New Year's Day” 例子: -

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