- “Laptop”是笔记本电脑的简称,常用于个人工作。例如:“He is always working on his laptop, preparing for an important presentation.”(他一直在用笔记本电脑准备一场重要的演示。) - - “Desktop Computer”指桌面计算机,常用于日常办公。例如:“She prefers working on her desktop computer because it’s more comfortable.”(她更喜欢用桌面计算机工作,因为它更舒适。) - - “Printer”用于打印文件和文档的工具。比如:“I am going to print some documents before leaving for the day.”(我打算在离开前打印一些文件。) - - - “Scanner”用于扫描文档。例如:“She scanned her passport when she arrived at the airport.”(她在到达机场时扫描了她的护照。) - - Office Supplies -办公用品对于办公室非常重要。
- “Notepad”是记录笔记的小本子,经常被用来记下重要信息。例如:“He uses a notepad to take down notes for his presentation.”(他用记事本来记下他的演讲笔记。) - - “Pencil”是书写用的笔,也是日常工作中常用的工具。例子:“She takes her pen and pencil to the printer, ready to start working on the project.”(她带着她的铅笔来到打印机前,准备开始这个项目的工作。) - - “Eraser”用于擦除错误的字迹。例如:“He used the eraser to erase the mistakes he had made on the whiteboard.”(他用橡皮擦擦除了他在白板上做错了的字。) - - - “Stapler”是用于装订文件的工具。比如:“She used a stapler to fasten together her reports for the meeting.”(她用订书机把会议的报告钉在一起。) - 第二部分:办公室设备 - Computer System -电脑系统是办公室中必不可少的设备。
- "Operating system"是指电脑运行的软件系统,例如:“He needs access to the company’s operating system to complete his tasks.”(他需要访问公司的操作系统来完成他的任务。) - - "Browser"是用来上网浏览的工具,例如:“She opens her browser to check her emails.”(她打开了浏览器查看她的电子邮件。) - - "Printer Driver"是电脑系统中控制打印机的软件,例如:“He needs to install a new printer driver to fix his printer's problem.”(他需要安装一个新的打印机驱动程序来修复他的打印机问题。) - - "Antivirus Software"是一种防止电脑病毒的程序,例子:“He installed an antivirus software to protect his computer from malware attacks.”(他安装了防病毒软件以防止电脑受到恶意软件的攻击。) - - Networking Devices -网络设备对于办公室来说也是非常重要的。
- "Router"是连接不同网络的设备,例如:“He set up the router at his desk to connect his home network to the company network securely.”(他在办公桌上设置了路由器来安全地将他的家用网络连接到公司网络。) - - "Wi-Fi Card"是无线网卡,可以连接到无线网络进行网络操作,例如:“She bought a Wi-Fi card to connect her laptop to the internet in the café during her break.”(她在咖啡馆的休息时间买了一张Wi-Fi卡来连接她的笔记本电脑上网。) - - "Modem"是调制解调器,用来接收来自外部网络的信号并转换为电脑可以识别的形式,例如:“He needed to replace his old modem with a new one to upgrade the speed of his internet connection.”(他需要更换他的旧调制解调器以升级他互联网连接的速度。) - Office Furniture -办公室的家具也是必需的。
- "Table"是放在桌上用来写字和放置文件的地方,例子:“She sat at her table with a laptop and papers, starting to plan her presentation for tomorrow.”(她坐在桌子旁,打开笔记本电脑和文件开始为明天的演示做准备。) - - "Chair"是椅子,用来坐的,例:“After lunch, he took a seat behind his desk and started working on a report that was due next week.”(午饭后,他坐在他的桌子后面开始处理下周到期的报告。) - - "Bookcase"是用来存放书籍和其他资料的书架,例子:“He moved some books off the floor and onto his bookcase, making sure all his materials were organized.”(他把一些书从地上挪到书架上,确保所有的材料都被整理好了。) - - - "Floorstanding Desk"是放置在地面上的办公桌,例子:“He decided to move his desk to the corner of the room, so he could have better visibility and privacy while working.”(他决定把办公桌搬到房间的角落里,以便在工作时能够有更好的视野和隐私。) - 第三部分:办公室文化 - Working Styles -每个人在工作中都有自己习惯的方式,这被称为工作风格。
- "Industry Standards"是指在某个行业或领域内普遍接受的工作方式或标准,例:“He practices industry best practices when completing complex projects.”(完成复杂项目时,他遵循行业标准。) - - "Agile Method"是敏捷方法的一种,注重快速迭代和持续改进的过程,例子:“Her team follows agile methodologies for developing software applications.”(她的团队采用敏捷方法开发软件应用。) - - "Lean Thinking"是一种以减少浪费、提高效率为目标的思考方式,例子:“He applies lean thinking principles to improve the efficiency of his production process.”(他将精益思维应用于提高生产过程的效率。) - - "Cross-Functional Work"意味着团队成员来自不同的部门共同合作完成任务,例如:“They collaborate across different departments to create a cohesive marketing campaign that reached millions of customers.”(他们通过跨部门合作创造了一个吸引数百万客户的营销活动。) - - - "Remote Work"是员工在家或其他地点通过互联网远程工作的方式,例子:“Many companies now offer remote work options to attract top talent.”(许多公司现在提供远程工作选项来吸引顶尖人才。) - - Communication Styles -有效的沟通方式对职场成功至关重要。
- "Written Emails"是通过文字传递信息的常用方式,例:“He sends clear and concise written emails to communicate important updates to his colleagues.”(他通过清晰简洁的文字发送电子邮件给同事传达重要更新。) - - "Phone Calls"是通过电话进行沟通的方式,例子:“She makes regular phone calls to check on her clients’ progress and address any concerns.”(她定期打电话检查客户的进展和解决任何问题。) - - "Face-to-Face Meetings"是面对面进行的会面,例:“They scheduled a face-to-face meeting to discuss their latest project proposal.”(他们未经允许不得转载:» 上班英语单词怎么写(How to write "work" in English?)