



科	目的英语单词

  • 数学: Mathematics(数学)、Algebra(代数)、Geometry(几何)、Calculus(微积分)等
  • 物理: Physics(物理学)、Mechanics(力学)、Thermodynamics(热力学)、Electricity(电学)等
  • 化学: Chemistry(化学)、Organic Chemistry(有机化学)、Inorganic Chemistry(无机化学)、Biochemistry(生物化学)等
  • 生物学: Biology(生物学)、Molecular Biology(分子生物学)、Genetics(遗传学)、Ecology(生态学)等
  • 历史: History(历史)、Ancient History(古代史)、Modern History(现代史)、World History(世界历史)等
  • 经济学: Economics(经济学)、Microeconomics(微观经济学)、Macroeconomics(宏观经济学)、International Trade(国际贸易)等
  • 文学: Literature(文学)、English Literature(英国文学)、American Literature(美国文学)、World Literature(世界文学)等
  • 心理学: Psychology(心理学)、Clinical Psychology(临床心理学)、Developmental Psychology(发展心理学)、Cognitive Psychology(认知心理学)等
  • 社会学: Sociology(社会学)、Social Psychology(社会心理学)、Anthropology(人类学)、Political Science(政治学)等



Mathematics is a broad and essential subject that includes many subfields. Here are some key terms:

  • Algebra: This field focuses on equations and variables, with basic terms like linear equations (线性方程)、quadratic equations (二次方程)、inequalities (不等式).
  • Geometry: In geometry, we study shapes and their properties. Key concepts include points (点)、lines (线)、planes (平面)、circles (圆)、triangles (三角).
  • Calculus: Calculus deals with rates of change and the area under curves. Common topics include limits (极限)、derivatives (导数), and integrals (积分).

Mastering these terms will help you better understand mathematical problems and communicate effectively. For example, when solving a problem involving velocity and acceleration, you might use the equation v = u + at, where "v" is velocity, "u" is initial velocity, "a" is acceleration, and "t" is time.


Physics explores the principles governing the natural world. Here are some essential vocabulary terms:

  • Mechanics: Mechanics studies the motion of objects. Basic terms include force (力), mass (质量), momentum (动量), and energy (能量).
  • Thermodynamics: This field examines heat transfer and energy transformations. Key concepts include temperature (温度), calorie (卡路里), heat (热量), and work (功).
  • Electricity: Electricity involves the flow of electrons. Terms like electric current (电流), voltage (电压), resistance (电阻), and conductor (导体) are fundamental.

Understanding these terms can improve your grasp of physical phenomena. For instance, to explain Ohm's Law, you would say that the current through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across its terminals and inversely proportional to its resistance.


Chemistry examines the composition and behavior of substances. Here are some important words:

  • Acids and Bases: Acids release hydrogen ions and bases release hydroxide ions. Key terms are acids (酸), bases (碱), pH (酸碱度), titration (滴定).
  • Elements and Compounds: Elements are the building blocks of matter, while compounds are formed from two or more elements. Relevant terms include elements (元素), compounds (化合物), stoichiometry (化学计量学), molecular weight (分子量).
  • Reactions and Equations: Chemical reactions involve changes between reactants and products. Essential vocabulary includes reactants (反应物), products (生成物), balanced equations (平衡方程式).

Knowing these terms enables you to discuss chemical processes accurately. For example, when explaining combustion, you would describe it as a rapid exothermic reaction between a fuel and an oxidizer, producing heat, light, and gases.


Biology studies living organisms and their interactions. Here are some critical vocabulary:

  • Cells and Tissues: Cells are the basic units of life, while tissues are groups of cells with a common function. Key terms include cells (细胞), tissues (组织), organelles (细胞器), histology (组织学).
  • Genetics and Evolution: Genetics examines genetic variation and inheritance, while evolution studies the changes in species over time. Core terms include genes (基因), chromosomes (染色体), DNA (脱氧核糖核酸), mutation (突变), natural selection (自然选择).
  • Ecology: Ecology looks at the relationships between organisms and their environments. Crucial concepts include ecosystem (生态系统), biodiversity (生物多样性), predator-prey (捕食者与猎物关系), food chain (食物链).

Familiarity with these words enhances your understanding of biological concepts. For instance, to explain photosynthesis, you could describe it as a process by which green plants and certain bacteria convert light energy into chemical energy stored in glucose.


History traces past events, cultures, and societies. Here are some essential terms:

  • Ancient Civilizations: Ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Mesopotamia laid the foundations for modern society. Key terms are civilizations (文明), pyramids (金字塔), pharaohs (法老), cuneiform (楔形文字).
  • World Wars: World War I and World War II were significant global conflicts. Important terms include war (战争), alliances (联盟), trench warfare (战壕战), totalitarian regime (极权政体).
  • Economic Shifts: Economic developments have shaped history. Relevant concepts include economy (经济), capitalism (资本主义), communism (共产主义), industrial revolution (工业革命).

Learning these words allows you to discuss historical contexts effectively. For example, when analyzing the causes of World War II, one might mention the economic depression of the 1930s, territorial disputes, and aggressive expansionist policies by major powers.


Economics analyzes production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Key terms include:

  • Supply and Demand: Supply refers to the quantity of goods available for sale, while demand represents consumer willingness to purchase. Core concepts include supply (供给), demand (需求), market equilibrium (市场均衡).
  • Fiscal Policy: Fiscal policy involves government spending and taxation to influence economic activity. Important terms are fiscal policy (财政政策), government spending (政府支出), revenue (收入).
  • Monetary Policy: Monetary policy is set by central banks to control money supply and inflation. Key ideas include monetary policy (货币政策), interest rates (利率), inflation (通货膨胀).

Understanding these terms aids in comprehending economic theories and policies. For instance, to explain how monetary policy affects the economy, one might discuss how the Federal Reserve adjusts interest rates to cool down or stimulate economic growth.


Literature encompasses various forms of artistic writing. Here are some crucial words:

  • Genres: Literature comes in different genres such as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama. Important terms include genres (体裁), prose (散文), verse (诗歌), play (剧本).
  • Styles: Different literary styles exist including realism,浪漫主义(浪漫派), modernism, postmodernism. Core ideas involve narrative voice (叙述声音), imagery (意象), symbolism (象征主义).
  • Themes: Themes explore universal issues within literature. Examples are love, power, identity. Key concepts include themes (主题), motifs (主题思想), irony (讽刺), allegory (寓言).

Familiarity with these terms enables deeper analysis of literary texts. For example, when discussing themes in Shakespeare’s works, one might highlight recurring motifs like love and betrayal, or the complexities of human nature.


Psychology investigates mental processes and behavior. Here are some essential vocabulary:

  • Mental Processes: Mental processes include perception, memory, cognition. Key terms are perception (感知), memory (记忆), cognition (认知).
  • Theories of Personality: Different theories explain personality traits. Core concepts involve Freudian psychology (弗洛伊德心理学), Jungian theory (荣格理论), behavioralism (行为主义), humanistic approach (人文主义).
  • Clinical Conditions: Psychology helps diagnose and treat mental illnesses. Critical terms are depression (抑郁), anxiety disorders (焦虑症), schizophrenia (精神分裂症), psychotherapy (心理治疗).

Understanding these words aids in studying psychological concepts. For instance, to explain cognitive dissonance, one would describe it as the discomfort experienced by individuals who hold conflicting beliefs or attitudes.


Sociology examines the social structure of communities and societies. Here are some key terms:

  • Social Stratification: Social stratification studies how societies divide people into classes based on factors such as wealth, status, education. Important terms are class structure (阶级结构), caste systems (种姓制度), social mobility (社会流动性).
  • Cultural Norms and Deviance: Cultural norms dictate acceptable behavior within societies, while deviance is behavior considered outside these norms. Core concepts include norms (规范), deviance (越轨行为), social control (社会控制).
  • Institutions: Institutions are formal organizations that maintain societal order. Essential terms are family (家庭), education system (教育系统), legal system (法律系统), religion (宗教).

Knowing these words helps in understanding societal functions and dynamics. For example, when discussing the role of religion in society, one might explore its impact on values, rituals, and community cohesion.


科	目的英语单词

In conclusion, mastering the vocabulary related to various academic subjects is crucial for effective communication and learning. Each discipline offers unique insights and terminology that enhance our understanding of the world. By familiarizing ourselves with these keywords, we can delve deeper into specific fields, contribute meaningfully to discussions, and ultimately become more proficient in English. Whether it’s decoding mathematical equations, understanding the forces of physics, exploring cellular biology, tracing historical events, analyzing economic trends, appreciating literary works, examining psychological phenomena, or studying the fabric of society, each term serves as a gateway to greater knowledge and understanding. As we continue to expand our vocabulary, we open doors to a myriad of opportunities for growth and discovery in both personal and professional realms. Let us embrace the challenge of learning new words, for they are the building blocks of intellectual curiosity and lifelong learning.

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